Brand/Blogger Events

With over six years of blogging and three years of social media marketing experience, I am able to assist brands in breaking through the online noise and getting their message heard by thousands of target consumers. I offer many different types of representation and marketing services to fit the needs of the individual brand. I offer FREE custom quotes and am happy to work within your budget. My specialty in social media marketing is brand events. I design, plan and even co-host them!
How it works:

I create a custom event, designed to serve two purposes. The first is to get your brand socialized to a prime group of online influencers (bloggers, social media activists, etc...) in a short period of time. The second is to create such a memorable affair that the attendees can't help but talk about how amazing it was, after the event is over.

How do I do this? I find a local group of influencers, invite them to the event, create a spectacular social and host the event with the PR agency or brand representatives.

Need an example? I co-created the OpenSkySocial in Los Angeles with Ted Rubin. We chose The Standard Hotel, negotiated the price and started to create buzz around it. I managed the invitations, created the guest list, organized the marketing materials to be distributed and hosted the event. For further details on this event, please search #OpenSky on Twitter or search OpenSky Social on Google. Mars Advertising, Kenneth Lane
and Torrid were party sponsors. Guests had a combined online reach of over 5,000,000.

I also created and hosted the Los Angeles Mom's Nite Out in 2009. Firefly Vodka, e.l.f. cosmetics, Vado and Word of Mouth Entertainment were sponsors. The event hosted 40 of southern California's women bloggers for an evening of dancing, drinks and laughter. The event was live streamed on MomTV.

If you are interested in a brand event, please contact me for a quote.

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